The Leaving of Liverpool by Maureen Lee (Book Review)

The Leaving of Liverpool
Maureen Lee
Read: March 13, 2016

I am at the end of yet another beautiful journey. This is not a life-changing novel, but it will warm your heart, make you smile, and teach you about true, unconditional love.

The novel is about two sisters, Mollie and Annemarie, whose lives start to change once they separate on the ship that was supposed to take them from Liverpool to New York, into a better future. They both experienced something terrible, and Mollie wants to take her sister somewhere where they will feel safe. Annemarie hasn't spoken a word since “that night”. Once Mollie stays in Liverpool, and quiet and beautiful Annemarie comes to New York, things start to change for both of them. Annemarie is taken by a stranger into his home, and Mollie, overcome with sadness for having no way to find her sister, tries to build herself a new life in another city. They both come from a small village in Ireland, where their brothers still live.

Even though these two main characters are the ones most mentioned, there are many other characters which you get to love, even though they may not be perfect. Levon Zarian is one of them. When remembering him, my eyes fill with tears because of his true love towards Annemarie. I loved the mention of so many children and their cute behavior, I loved the mention of cats and their care for them, I just enjoyed reading this so much. The only thing I didn't like was epilogue, because it was spoken about the character I did not like at all.

The book starts in the year 1925 and lasts all the way to the end of the Second World War. People celebrate on the streets because the war ended, but there may be some other reasons for celebration in one family. Even though you feel that the book will end happily, you want to move on and read these beautiful passages. I came across this book by chance, but I recommend it to everyone.

U ljubavi

Poželim da nekad
sklopiš oči,
pa da se ti i ja
i da me možeš

Da bez pogleda
me vidiš
i bez dodira

Da moje riječi
tvoj osmijeh pokažu,
a tišine da nam
bol otjeraju,
da sve oko nas
bude radost
jer, radovati se
znači biti zahvalan

Tako, jednaki
vodit ću te stazama znanim,
i shvatit ćeš
da tvoja ruka u mojoj
znači da vjerujem
svaki put
kad ti svoju dam.

Kada ponovo
svoje oči otvoriš,
shvatit ćeš snagu
koja je potrebna
meni da opstanem,
da vjerujem

I kada te ponovo
uzmem pod ruku,
bit ćemo drugačiji,
ali ipak isti
u ljubavi.


Kao što pustih jesen
da kroz prozore ove uđe,
tako pustih i sebe i svoje misli
da se odmore
od one druge mene,
koju bi rijetko ko volio.

Ponekad, kao sada,
dopustim sebi da predahnem,
dopustim duši da upije
sve ove ljepote Božije,
i da zaboravim na sebe
i na sve što bi moglo da bude.

Konačno shvatih,
puno je potrebno da uspiješ,
ali još više da
i druge u tome pomogneš,
i tako se desi
da budeš na nekom mjestu,
zbog drugih, a ne zbog sebe.

Postoji neka sreća,
kad prihvatiš stvarnost,
suočiš se sa pravom sobom,
i ne žališ zbog ničega,
jer se u svemu krije istina
i pouka.

Sve što možeš promijeniti danas
nije tvoje stanje,
jer to samo On može,
a na tebi je
da istinu otkriješ
prije nego bude kasno,
i da sebe okreneš
ka onom što je ispravno.